The Great Turning Institute

Welcome To The Great Turning Institute
Advancing the work of Project Victory
Be the Conscious change you want for the World
The Great Turning Institute is a non-profit organization (501(c)(3) that educates and inspires individuals and groups to live with mindfulness and compassionate action (soul-force) and thus to advance The Great Turning. We produce books and films, facilitate dialogues and leadership trainings, and conduct courses and other programs. Our curriculum is based in transformative psychology, the wisdom traditions, conflict resolution, ecology and nueroscience.
Please watch our 5 minute film: Choose Hope: The Call To Live The Great Turning

The Great Turning is the evolutionary leap in consciousness and action needed for us as individuals and humanity, to survive and flourish. ​The Great Turning is the LOVE-based Worldwide Rising to restore the Earth, advance justice and human rights for all, and create a lasting peace. It is your personal awakening and the spiritual emergence of humanity.

The soul-force practice combines the inner development of mindfulness and wellbeing – through cultivating inner peace, meditation and centering prayer, exercise and health; and the outer development of compassionate action – through increasing acts of kindness, justice, and stewardship. The soul-force practice empowers us to evolve through our conscious habits to a higher level of being –To be a light – and thus to help ignite the Love-Based, Worldwide Rising.

The Great Turning initiative at Findhorn is a labour of love in service to the evolution of human consciousness. All of our events, programmes, and global outreach activities are made possible through the generous gifting of our global family of change makers who resonate with, and support, the actualisation of The Great Turning.

THE GEAT TURNING; Personal Peace, Global Victory (1989)
by Drs. Craig Schindler and Gary Lapid
Watch A Great Turning Dialogue With Visionaries
To familiarize yourself with Great Turning themes, please watch The Great Turning Experiment featuring Craig Schindler, Joanna Macy, David Korten, Pat McCabe, Duane Elgin and Chris Johnstone.
The Great Turning Institute
If you have made your way to this website you likely realize that you and I are part of something greater, that an old era is dying and a new consciousness is emerging. As the world has grown darker, millions of us are rising up to be a light for a new era of transformative change, a new Renaissance of the human spirit. We call this “the Great Turning.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called it “the Beloved Community.” Jane Goodall calls it “Love for all living beings.” The Dalai Lama calls it “the Revolution of Compassion” and summons the youth of the world and all people of goodwill to act to reduce climate change and create a world of compassion and justice for all.
Project Victory And The Great Turning Institute
Drs. Craig Schindler and Gary Lapid coined the term and wrote the book, The Great Turning in 1989. With Theo Brown, Project Victory has worked for 30 years to advance the Great Turning -- pioneering new modes of conflict resolution, facilitating mediated dialogues with leaders of diverse views on peace and security, the environment, race and interfaith cooperation, and training 30,000 people in compassionate leadership and conflict resolution. Since 2010 we have developed The Wisdom Intensive Courses and trained hundreds of people in the Soul-force Practice of mindfulness and compassionate action. We have prepared the materials to spread the Call for the Great Turning worldwide – two films, two new books by Dr. Craig Schindler, our You-Tube Channel and our well-tested curriculum for the Wisdom Leadership Intensive Trainings.
How Can You “Be The Joyful Change?"
At the root of our environmental, racial justice, spiritual crisis is the selfishness of the human ego. The small self (ego) objectifies self, others and all life and acts from fear and greed and exploits others of diverse races and creeds and all life. The Big Self (soul or witness) recognizes our interdependence with each other and all life and acts from love and compassion. With the practice of soul-force, we rise above small self (ego) to our greater Self and increase our mindfulness and compassionate action to advance human rights for all and restore the Earth. Neuroscience has confirmed that the practice of mindfulness and altruism creates a shift in the brain away from stress and anxiety to joy and happiness. All our courses, dialogues and leadership trainings are based upon Transformative Psychology, the Wisdom Traditions, Conflict Resolution and Neuroscience.

Hope is more than a feeling; hope is a choice. Two hundred years from now –if we choose—historians of the 23rd Century will look back at our era and call it the Great Turning. They will say that in the 2lst Century tens of millions of people took responsibility to live with love and respect for each other and all life and this Love-Based Worldwide Rising was able to restore the Earth, advance justice for all and create the conditions for peace on Earth.
~Dr. Craig Schindler

All around the world there is an awakening of understanding and compassion… Together we can bring change to the world, gradually replacing fear and hatred with compassion and love. Love for all living beings. ~Jane Goodall
~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Craig Schindler with Clarence Jones, close advisor and attorney to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at our Great Turning event:
The Gathering Light, June 4, 2015

If you want to be happy, practice compassion ... When you change as an individual, you change the world... I call on you to bring on the Revolution of Compassion.
~The Dalai Lama
Dr. Craig Schindler and
New Abbot of Gyuto Monastary~
H.E. Thupten Tenzin Rinpoche

When I speak of love, I am speaking of that force which all the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is the key that unlocks the door that leads to ultimate reality.
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