The Great Turning Institute
"The soulforce community facilitated by Craig and Heidi invited a process of emergence within our collective field of consciousness. Overall the process has been joyous, sacred, deeply appreciative for our collective unfoldment, and realization of our oneness within the Beloved Community. The book has been a guide, touchstone and resource to the inner journey that we have shared together as well as experienced within. The musical gifts that were an integral part of the meetings offered healing and laughter, participation and inner recognition, shared intimacy and celebration of our common intention. I celebrate the range of ages, experiences, dedication to inner and collective growth within all the participants. I appreciated the regular reminders of how to stay aligned and in congruity with our chosen spiritual path. With deep gratitude for everyone in the community and the focused intention of the facilitators, guests and staff."
— Dr. Karl Merit
Global expert on alternative healing
As a result of this course the depth of compassion for myself and others has increased dramatically. I am not only inspired, but much more capable of being the loving, compassionate, and at times fierce change that I wish to see in the world ... knowing that my actions, presence, and words do contribute directly to a more awakened, sustainable, and joyous humanity on this beautiful planet.
— Stuart Abel, MA. Psychology, Wilderness Instructor
"Craig and Heidi created a magical, highly entertaining, empowering course that has truly transformed my life. After each class I leave feeling overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for life and community. My focus and goals have become clear and I have made seemingly improbable positive shifts in my habitual patterns. I am honored and forever grateful for this ‘rights of passage’... "
— Jessica Luehrs, Acupuncturist
Being part of the Wisdom course and this community has strengthened both the focus and consistency of my practice in conscious living ...I use lessons I've learned here every day now. Most precious to me is becoming a member of this amazing family, where I've found friendships that I'm sure will grow and thrive.
— Susan Stone, Corporate Vice President
After an inspiring 8 months and a cross-generational group of amazing humans, each of whom feel deeply about our future, and of this place we call our home; I have taken away a few essential gems ... the importance of my making doable commitments and acting on them on a daily basis - actions that express my desire to and feeling of being awake. I found that when I am not so engaged, it is too easy to be asleep. Being thus engaged, in community, is ultimately hopeful.
— Eve Eden, Psychologist
I'd like to share from the heart my deep gratitude and appreciation for Craig, Heidi, and their work. The experience of the Soulforce and those involved in it has opened my eyes, heart and mind to possibilities of a higher octave in community and in the world. Most touching has been the vulnerability of all involved. It takes real leaders to step out in their vulnerability. The music, the joy, the creativity and pure abandonment to the moment are uplifting and expansive.
— David Izett, Corporate Manager, Chairperson, Inner Light Ministry
Thank you for leading the way in what has been for me, a path of opening the heart and empowering the soul. I have been touched by the simplicity and universality of the message of cultivating wisdom and compassion. The space and intention of the group gives me access to fully feeling the truths of my heart. When I reflect on this course and the impact it has had on my life, it has simmered down to the knowing that the path of soul is guided by my heart. Thank you for reminding me of who I am, and what my work to do in this world is. Thank you for reminding me that truly, I belong to a beloved community.
— Kate Cadoux, Psychologist
Words cannot say! To my friend, community builder, visionary, wise counsel,
Love and gratitude across the decades.
— Adrienne Admunsen, Psychologist Ph.D.
What a sweet and deep honor to be a part of this beautiful gathering of a beloved community. I have by turns been inspired and deeply moved by so many moments and insights that you have created and called in. I have likewise been honored beyond words to help create bridge between my dear friends and the rest of what has become an extended family of kindred spirits and seekers. I look forward, greatly, to being a part of future iterations of this soulful and far-rippling happening.
— Zeya Schindler, MA. Consultant for Sustainable Development
This course has touched me very deeply, and of course being a mother of two, and grandmother of five beings, the ripple effect has been very powerful. Add that to my circle of friends, and The Schindler Effect impacts many, many lives in so many meaningful ways. I have been noticing the many instances where I have shifted in my relationships due to your powerful teachings. I thank you, and the Universe thanks you! Love and Blessings,
— Caryl Turner, Real Estate Agent
As our grand year of transformation and awareness comes to a close, I want to share my appreciation. As you know, I am not an enthusiastic group person. So imagine my surprise as I found it so very comfortable. You created a warm nurturing space for me, for all of us, to explore the deepest veins of human experience. Telling the truth about who we are, what are our intentions and what holds us back is, and has been, very powerful. I actually named out loud my intention to do a few things that seemed so small in scope, but so important in my own internal cosmos. And I did them. Thank you for your vision and persistence in moving this collective world of ours towards awareness.
— Eve Eden, Psychologist
It is here on Eight Saturdays that we each committed to transform ourselves to big self (on the inside) and generate compassionate action (on the outside) since one’s heart is drawn after one’s outer actions: as you do, so you become. It is here that that you reminded us both experientially and proverbially that the power of love trumps the love of power. With immense gratitude.
— Dr. Gary Lapid, MD.
Craig and Heidi, “We Have A Dream”…And The Dream Is Being Realized …” You called, and we came. To meditate and dance; listen deeply and dialogue; pray and witness; make music and poetry and art; welcome extraordinary gifted guests; study your book and lessons, feeling Heaven touch Earth, as we are touched by great philosophers and activists in history and the inspiring stories of amazing heroes and enlightened fools of our times; Thank you, with all my being, for creating and recreating our Soulforce Community, a sacred and safe haven for us to be In love and cultivate ourselves, divinely. We feel ecstatic, exhilarated, expanded, through your exquisite guidance and leadership. We prepare for the “Movement of Movements.” I am deeply grateful.
—Bonita Mugnani, Founder Peace Day, honored by the United Nations

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