The Great Turning Institute
Choose Hope, You Matter
The Call to Live Your Higher Purpose For A More Compassionate Self & World.
Join the non-profit organization Project Victory (About Us) who began in 1985 in response to the nuclear age with the intension to help advance the Beloved Community on Earth by helping to inspire and foster an inner shift in the quality of our soul and an outer shift in the quantity of our compassionate action. read more
Introducing Dr. Craig Schindler's book Revolution of the Spirit: Touching Heaven, Healing Earth containing a roadmap for the Revolution of the Spirit .
Enroll in an 8-day (8 Saturdays) Transformative Wisdom Intensive Course with inspiring talks, multi-faith music, movement mediation, small group exercises and tools for mindfulness, personal leadership, authentic communication, peace making and stewardship - focusing on the Eight Wisdom Keys.
Attend events to further your studies on both the Book and the Transformative Wisdom Intensive Course outline of the Soul-Action Practice based upon both enduring wisdom and emerging neuroscience, practice mindfulness, compassion, stewardship and peacemaking in our lives with the goal to create the conditions for a more verdant and peaceful world.
Past Events - 2019
*Premiere Viewing*
The Short Film
The Call To Live The Great Turning
When: Sunday Oct 13, 2019
5 – 6pm Meet Friends; 6 – 9pm Film Premiere
(The Old Riverfront Theater at 155 S. River St., Santa Cruz)
Inspiring Program & Fund Raising
Live The Great Turning!
Face the environmental/spiritual/human rights crises plaguing our world, and choose to live The Great Turning – the shift in consciousness and action needed for humanity to survive and flourish. Each of us matters to help restore the Earth and advance human rights for all.
Voices of Wisdom & Spirit: will inspire us and invoke a love-based worldwide Rising!
Limited Seats: $20 donation to Project Victory:
More information at Facebook: Choose Hope, You Matter
Sponsored by Project Victory, a 501c3 Non-Profit organization
Transformative Wisdom Intensive Course
Our goal is to inspire and facilitate an ever-expanding network of people and groups that are committed to living the Soulforce Practice for a more compassionate and sustainable world. Toward this end, we are now teaching and promoting Dr. Craig Schindler’s new book, REVOLUTION OF THE SPIRIT: Touching Heaven, Healing Earth; and we conducted the first Wisdom Intensive: Personal Leadership for a More Compassionate Self & World
From 2013-2016 Craig and Heidi Schindler taught the Transformative Wisdom Intensive using the Revolution of the Spirit as our text, with 50 people for eight months. Our group included soulful leaders, ranging from 25 to 78 including seven doctors, several corporate vice presidents, three CEO’s. We met one Saturday from October to June for a day-long retreat and focused on one of the Eight Wisdom Keys: with inspiring talks, multi-faith music, movement mediation, small group exercises and tools for mindfulness, personal leadership, authentic communication, peace making and stewardship. Guest speakers and multi-faith muscians included: Dr. Gary Lapi, co-founder of Project Victory, best-selling author John Robbins, Hawk soul singer Charmaigne Scott, Cantor Alisa Fineman, Dr. Cath Byrne, Dr. Frank Andrews, Dr. Ralph Quinn and world-class drummer, Jim Greiner. We empowered each other to live our higher purpose and to be the transformation needed to create a more compassionate, joyful, and sustainable world. See to glimpse
what we created together – the joy, inspiration and soulforce.
This course includes a copy of the Book - Revolution of the Spirit.
More information can be found by selecting Course in the menu.
Course dates can be located in the Calendar.
Information on how to register iand fees can be found in the Register For the Course
You can contact us through a variety of methods located in the Contact us menu selection.
Project Victory
In 1985 we founded Project Victory with the recognition that in the nuclear age with weapons of mass destruction, we need a new meaning of victory. We need a victory for the Earth and for all our children and the future of life. Our real goal has always been to help ignite a Great Turning that becomes the Revolution of the Spirit for a more compassionate and sustainable future. For almost three decades now we have been working to advance the conditions for real peace and stewardship. Our book, THE GREAT TURNING (1989) was called a “win/win masterpiece,” translated into German and Russian and used around the world as a handbook for peacemaking. We have taught conflict resolution, compassionate communication, mediated dialogue and leadership to tens of thousands. We have conducted numerous dialogues on race relations, peace and security, the environment and the largest national dialogue on race ever (10,000 people in 165 cities). We conducted the first Interfaith Dialogue with many groups and leaders of diverse religious traditions in Washington D. C. We were the first to use the term, “The Great Turning,” and now it has become a key phrase for the growing movement around the world. Indeed we believe humanity is now in the midst of that Great Turning toward the Great Transformation needed for humanity to survive and flourish. Now we are launching a new stage of Project Victory’s work – an ever- expanding network committed to “the soulforce practice.” As millions of us practice mindfulness, compassion, stewardship and peacemaking in our lives, we will create the conditions for a more verdant and peaceful world
The Most Pivotal Time In History
We live at the most pivotal time in history. Many times in past centuries people have faced critical choices that would shape the future, but not until recently has a generation faced choices that could determine whether there is to be a future at all. Clearly, there is something profoundly different about the situation we face. While people differ about what we should do to secure our future, most agree that the consequences of making the wrong choices are vastly greater than ever before. While we recognize the danger of an asteroid devastating our planet in the next few thousand years, we are often blinded to the reality that we humans are now the impending threat. The enemy that threatens humanity with extinction is within us. We must arouse ourselves from our death trance. We are in a race to embody a more compassionate consciousness before we create an irreversible catastrophe.
Religious extremism, terrorism and the absolutist mind continue to inflame conflicts that could erupt in the use of weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, scientists confirm that the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are melting far more rapidly than predicted. Hundreds of millions of people are living in poverty without clean water or medical care. Hunger is still the greatest cause of death. The chasm of inequality between the 1% and the 99% continues to widen and imperil democracy by rigging the system. Until we change course and reduce carbon emissions, we are headed toward causing the Sixth Great Extinction of more than 30% of all species.
The Soul-Action Practice
The great souls across traditions have been to the mountaintop and seen a coming time of justice and lasting peace, and have declared that each of us can help to realize the Great Dream through embodying the power of love. In 1906 Mahatma Gandhi coined the word, satyagraha (soul-force) meaning the power of love-truth-soul. As Gandhi said: “When the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. declared that soul-force was the most powerful method to attain equal rights for all and to create the Beloved Community. Jane Goodall, Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, Betty Williams in Ireland, Maya Angelou and others have affirmed that the voice of women has a special soul-force in the struggle for a nonviolent and sustainable world. The Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela all affirm that soul-force can transform our lives and our world.
The Book Revolution of the Spirit
Touch Heaven, Healing Earth is a roadmap for the Revolution of the Spirit
It outlines the Soulforce Practice based upon both our enduring wisdom and emerging neuroscience. It offers methods to transform self and humanity and to live the global ethic -- treating self, others and the Earth with the respect you want to be treated. Neuroscientists have established that whatever we do with regularity creates new pathways in our brain. Thus by practicing what we want to become, we can evolve ourselves with intention toward the increased mindfulness, empathy and compassionate leadership needed to transform self and world. Many studies show that the practices of mindfulness and centering prayer, altruism and kindness, meditation and gratitude - contribute to elevating our experience of wellbeing, happiness, and true fulfillment. The book is a call to live your higher purpose for a more compassionate self and world.
Coming Together For The Worldwide Rising
In his book, Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement In the World Came Into Being And Why No One Saw It, Paul Hawken, documents more than 1.5 million organizations dedicated to defending the environment, protecting indigenous peoples or advancing human rights. We don’t yet recognize this vast meta-movement, he says, and mostly it does not get the spotlight of the media - because it is decentralized. It has no fixed organization or ideology, yet in response to our global crisis it is growing rapidly in local areas around the world. In addition to Paul Hawken’s list, there are a multitude of other groups around our planet seeking to reduce suffering and strengthen peace: the numerous faith communities dedicated to love and compassion; all those working for women’s rights, social justice, reconciliation and lasting peace; the human potential, mindfulness, and inner peace movements; the organic food, health and wellness movements; and the numerous groups teaching conflict resolution.
The worldwide Rising to remake our world is already underway: Yet it needs us, the ten percent tipping point, to step up and to spread the vision of the coming dawn The call is to step forward and do your unique part to help kindle “the largest movement in history” – to embody the transformation needed for our lives and to remake our world. Just as many streams converge to form a great river, it is time for the many groups committed to living our global ethic to join together. At the core of all these movements is our global ethic taught by the great wisdom traditions – to live with respect toward self, others, and the Earth. The revolution of the spirit is already stirring and yet needs to be actualized in our lives and spread by each of us. Like a torch, we can pass it from person to person, group to group, until the flame of mindfulness and compassion lights up our world.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Vision of
At the victory rally in 1956 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Dr. King (then 27) spoke about the Beloved Community for the first time. The Beloved Community, he said, is the framework of our future: We will foster an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood that replaces racism and discrimination, and does not tolerate poverty and hunger. This is not a utopian vision, he declared, but “our overall effort to achieve a reconciled world by raising the level of relationships between people to a height where justice prevails and persons attain their full human potential.” (1) Throughout his life Dr. King declared that as millions live with agape love, we will transform our world: “The end is reconciliation; the end is redemption; the end is the creation of the Beloved Community. It is this type of spirit and this type of love that can transform opponents into friends. It is this type of understanding goodwill that will transform the deep gloom of the old age into the exuberant gladness of the new age. It is this love which will bring miracles in the hearts of humankind.” (3) from Dr. Craig F. Schindler’s book, Revolution Of The Spirit